

Are you Russian?
No.  Very few people guess correctly about my Italian background.  It's annoying. 
Other guesses include:
Irish, "mixed", Puerto Rican, Greek, and one time - Romanian.
The comment was once made, "She's obviously not white!"  Yes, obviously.
People also assume I'm Jewish, but I was born and raised Roman Caltholic. 
You'd think the gold crucifix and Italian horn I wear everyday would give it away.

Do you go to school?
No.  I graduated college in 2005 and have been working since then.
Flattering, but irritating at the same time.  People don't take me seriously because they think I'm a lot younger than I am.

Do you live near the L train?
Not even close.

Are your nails real?
Yes.  I've never had fake nails and I hate it when people try to inspect my fingers because they don't believe me.

What are you eating?
Don't ask me this, or any other question while I'm eating.

Is it Friday yet?
This question gets under my skin like you would not believe.

So is there a number where I can reach you?/Can we be friends/keep in touch?
Absolutely not.